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Writer's pictureLisa McFarland

Heavenly Garment Tour

Updated: Sep 16, 2019

Gifts of Garments

This year we hosted a team of Mongolian delegates who traveled to America to pray because they have a deep burden on their hearts for the American Bride. The Chinese people have gone through so much suffering for the Gospel and they have remained strong in the Lord. God told them that America is going to go through suffering, but He would clothe us in heavenly garments and He would use the Chinese people to comfort us with the comfort they received themselves. They hand-made around 100 beautiful garments to give to Americans during their prayer journey. God guided their hands while they were sewing and miraculously every garment fit even though they had not taken any measurements!

We met Annie and her team at the End Time Handmaiden World Missions Convention in Saint Louis MO. They gave heavenly garments to the leaders of the End Time Handmaidens and many others. They danced, waved banners, and shared many prophetic acts. They spent many days and nights fasting and interceding for our country because of their love for us. We watched as they awaken people to God’s deep love and their identity as heavenly brides.

Topeka Visit

After the convention they traveled with us to Kansas, where we introduced them to Governor Brownback at his campaign office. Annie and her team blessed him with a heavenly garment and a silk scarf that represents the thousands of Chinese people who have given their lives for the Lord and prayed for him. He prayed and blessed them as well. We discovered that Gov. Brownback’s first legislation that he helped to pass during his time in Congress was to help trade along the Silk Route.

Our next stop was the Parham Building in Topeka KS, where the Pentecostal movement began and spread to Azusa Street in California. Scott Logan, the on-site director, shared with us that the first woman who spoke in tongues, spoke in Mandarin Chinese. The Chinese prayed there in the original room upstairs where Parham had a school of healing. It was very powerful and we felt that it was definitely orchestrated by the Lord.

Visiting the Nations

Rabbi Curt Landry held a service later that day at House of David, in Fairland, OK to host the Mongolian team and many of the staff and students of Warring Dove International. Several nations including China, Mongolia, Israel, Nigeria, Burundi, Hungary, Mexico, many First Nations and Americans were baptized together in the pool at House of David. This special service bound the nations together in the water and aligned us with the One New Man. We are so grateful to House of David and Rabbi Curt Landry for their love and care for the Heavenly Garment Team and Warring Dove International Ministries.

Most of the Native American tribes believe that they are descendants of the Mongolian tribal people. The Lord spoke to the intercessors in China and commissioned them to come and bless the First Nations in America. We visited Haskell Indian Nations University where the team spoke blessings and called the First Nations represented there to return to the Creator who made them. It was amazing to watch the leaders respond to “their ancestors speaking to them.” The Mongolians were able to by-pass many areas of prejudice and bitterness because of their ancestral roots and similar protocols. We watched leaders begin to cry and have their hearts opened to the Lord in a new and ancient way. God is visiting tribal peoples in this season in a powerful way.

The team was also welcomed in The Great Western Band Cherokee Nation. We met with the Principal Chief, Deputy Chief, and the Ministers of Education and Language. Gifts were exchanged and the Cherokee people were very interested in their stories and history. It was like watching a family reunion where both sides were filled with joy. They took us to the nursery and had us pray for the future generations. Apostle Clifton Pettit was our guide and ambassador during our visit to the Cherokee seat of government and culture. We were heartily invited to return soon. Please pray for God to visit the land of the Cherokee.

We hosted a service in Clifton Pettit’s church where we had the joy of worshiping with our native brothers and sisters. It was a very powerful service. Please pray for the ministry that they are doing there. We are excited about returning there next year.

North Winds

The tour was long and very intense. There are so many testimonies of healings and prophetic words being given and coming to pass. We stayed overnight in Tulsa with Jan Schumaker who works with Voices of the Martyrs. The intercession that night was indescribable and intense. We flew out the next day for Fairbanks, Alaska to meet with apostolic leaders there. Candy Sunderlaund of Anchorage and Guy Peters were our hosts for this part of the mission. We prayed for the protection of Native Lands, Alaskan Pipeline, transitions in our government, protection of our North gates, and for God to move among First Nations beginning in Alaska. One of the decrees called for the angel of the North to come and begin to blow change from the North to the South…. After we left a Polar Invasion of arctic wind blew southward shifting the weather in the whole nation. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Alaska.

Overcoming Death with Love

We flew to Indianapolis, IN to meet with Sarah Burton and other inner city leaders. The Mongolians received words from the Lord that there was a root of death in that city. They felt very strongly that it was behind the demise of Native peoples and even in the government structures in our nation. We had a very productive time of intercession in the heart of that city, where murder was occurring every day. Please pray for Indiana and breakthrough for the nation. We drove the next day to Dayton, Ohio where we were part of a reconciliation with an Iranian minister and our Israeli team member Shulamite. It was awesome watching as our Iranian brother began to repent for his nation’s hostilities toward Israel and Israel releasing forgiveness and love. We all cried tremendously as these historical enemies embraced and exchanged the Love of God as brother and sister.

The team continued to Washington D.C. to pray at the Israeli embassy and attend services with Rodney Howard Brown. They finished in New York City, where they finished their last assignment before returning home to China. God had given many words concerning Wall Street and the NYC area. While we were traveling here in the US there were 500 Chinese intercessors praying and fasting around the clock for us.

We know that often Warring Dove International acts as ambassadors for other ministries and nations. This Heavenly Garment Tour was a very good example of the hard work and commitment that many you support. We cannot do this pivotal work for the kingdom without your prayers and financial gifts.

Please continue to pray for all the places and people that were touched by this team. Remember to pray for us daily. We wish everyone could go with us but it is not possible. But you can become a Virtual Missionary by becoming a World Partner on the World Partner section of our home page.

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