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Writer's pictureLisa McFarland

Wardoves - Newsletter January 2022


Lisa McFarland

There are a lot of words going around. People are speaking and texting and typing on social media, in the news, on our job, in our homes, and in our family. What happens when words come out of our mouths, good and bad? We must understand the power of words and why God gave us the ability to speak and to hear.

The first time in all of creation someone spoke was in Genesis. God spoke the universe into existence. How did God create? "The Spirit of God was moving" and His Presence was there. God was moving, but nothing happened until He spoke. Likewise, nothing happens until we speak, AND every time we speak something happens. If we speak good words that are aligned with Gods Word, we create an amazing destiny and future for ourselves and others. If we speak evil words, we curse our own seed and speak against what is true in our lives and the lives of those around us.

The Book of Mark, it says we reap what we sow and that words are seeds. It is vital that we understand words. If we are planting a garden and we want vegetables, we don’t plant flower seeds; we plant vegetable seeds and take care of them because that is what we want to grow. There is power in a seed! When we put a seed in the ground we don’t just get one seed back. Inside the seed there is the power to multiply and create something more.

When God speaks the light comes, and when the light comes there’s revelation. When He speaks, God reveals His nature, character, and attributes. He reveals His thoughts; He reveals His love. He sent the Word and He made that Word become flesh and He dwelt among us. God said that Word was a light to all men.( John 1) If we want to have abundant life, we are going to need Jesus. We can’t even know who we are without Him because it is in knowing God, and in seeing Him, that we can fully know who we are.

When God speaks, it was done. His word was forever settled in Heaven.(Ps. 119:89) He released His Word in the spiritual realm and it crossed over into the natural realm. Jesus came as the Son of God to show us how to do the same. It’s not enough to know that Jesus came, you must believe He was the Word made flesh. Jesus instructed His disciples to go and wait in Jerusalem until the power of the Holy Spirit came because it gave them the power to be a witness for Him (Acts 1:8).This power opens our eyes and gives us the ability to see Him as He is revealed. When God's Word goes into us, we become a living Epistle (2 Co. 3:2). We are to be walking, talking scrolls, and to be the Word made flesh in our generation. Jesus is inside of us. His Word is inside of us. This Word has the power to create and set people free. God demonstrated, through Jesus Christ, how to be the Word made flesh on the Earth. Every time we smile, every time we frown, and every time we talk, we have to remember- we are living epistles. Jesus didn’t react to circumstances . He was a creator. He spoke out what He heard the Father say. How about you? Are you a reactor or a creator? What are we making room for in our lives? What we are planting, what we are receiving, what we are choosing to dwell on?

The word of God heals. Isaiah 58:11 states that God’s Word makes our bones strong. His Word brings light and revelation to His people. It is sharper than a two-edged sword, separating all the way down to the bone and marrow. As God is singing and speaking over us, the power of His Word brings peace. It separates the light from the darkness. God’s voice heals our bones and our DNA. His word is like honey comb; it is sweet to the soul and it heals our emotions. We are created to respond to God’s voice. We must release the sound of the Word of God to the world around us to bring change.

When we speak hurtful things to people, it literally changes their DNA. The Bible says that not one of true prophets words fall to the ground and dies. God’s angels also go out to perform the words coming out of our mouths. What happens when words of death, pride, unclean, ungodly, hateful, and angry words come out of our mouths? That’s why not all prophets are walking in the FULLNESS of their callings. Words go out like arrows. We release them, and they pierce things. They either hurt others, or they hit the mark and encourage others. When we praise God, we create a throne a chair for him. When God comes to set on our throne chair, God’s government and the kingdom of heaven are being released everywhere we go.

Our words either attract God or not, bring life or not, and bring blessings or not. You are a messenger. You are a scroll! What message are you bringing? What word are you bringing? Psalms 45:1 says this “my heart is and moved by a noble theme and I recite my verses to the king. My tongue is a skillful writers pen, to speak about the king." Your tongue is supposed to be skillful and not critiquing and evaluating everybody. It’s supposed to be skilled at speaking about God as a king. How will my tongue become skilled at speaking about the king? As we study God's Word and recite it, our mouths and our tongues write like a pen. When we release words of life, we release destiny, vision, and purpose into the hearts of God's people.

Writing on people's hearts is a serious thing. We are able to draw a line through harsh words spoken, by apologizing and repenting, but we can never delete them. The Bible tells us to build each other up in our most holy faith. (Jude 1:20) This is a different kind of strengthening; that brings not only strength to a person's bones (Pr 3:8), but also to their mind, soul, and spirit because" the lips of a priest preserve knowledge." (Mal 2:7)

There are good words that create and there are bad words that destroy. We are called to be Epistles. Epistles are books like Timothy, Titus and Philemon. We are books and words for people, so that they can be strengthened and know God. How are you doing?

Exciting New Media

We are excited to announce our new media and expanded social media platforms. Weekly "Fire By Night" videos can be viewed on our Warring Dove International Facebook page. Other styles and formats can be expected in the weeks to come. We invite you to join us as the Lord expands our horizons this year. Please pray for us as we release fresh revelation onto new platforms in order to serve and reach more people with the love of Jesus.

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