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The Glory that Brings Revival

Fri, Oct 11


Southside City Church

When God's glory comes, it will bring people to Jesus. Come receive His glory and be revived!! We will have dynamic speakers who are carriers of God's glory. It's between you and the altar!

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The Glory that Brings Revival
The Glory that Brings Revival

Time & Location

Oct 11, 2019, 7:00 PM

Southside City Church, 2100 W Lowden St, Fort Worth, TX 76110, USA

About the Event

"I have come to cast fire upon the earth;

and how I wish it were already kindled."

~ Luke 12:49

In Revelation 14, an angel released the Gospel that also releases the glory. When we experience God's glory, His Word revives our soul and releases supernatural power.

We need the glory that Jesus talked about when He said,

"Now Father, glorify Me together with Yourself,

with the glory which I had with You before the world was."

~ John 17:5

When God's glory comes, it will bring people to Jesus.

Come receive His glory and be revived!!

We will have dynamic speakers

who are carriers of God's glory.

It's between you and the altar!

The Glory That Brings Revival Conference in Fort Worth Texas


October 11th - FRIDAY

Evening Service: 7pm

October 12th - SATURDAY

Morning service: 9am-4pm

Evening service: 7pm


Southside City Church

2100 W Lowden St

Fort Worth, TX 76110

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